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Meadow in My Garden



Regular price £3.00
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Crosswort Seeds

Cruciata laevipes

Clumps of small, delicate yellow spires can be seen in grassy woodland rides, hedgerows and roadside verges.


Contents: Approximately 120 seeds

Average height: up to 50cm
Aspect: sun, partial shade
Soil type: loam, chalk
Sowing time: spring or autumn
Flowering period: April-June
Colour: yellow

The  distinctive, cross-like arrangement of its leaves give this plant its name. Crosswort prefers chalky or neutral soils and spreads using rhizomes (stems); it is a member of the bedstraw family.

Our packaging is made from FSC recycled cardboard and environmentally friendly inks. The seed bags are waxed paper or compostable starch to keep seeds in the best condition during storage. 

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