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Meadow in My Garden

Nectar & Pollen

Nectar & Pollen

Regular price £16.50
Regular price Sale price £16.50
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This joyous selection of flowers, rich in pollen and nectar and with a long and staggered flowering period, will attract and feed a wide range of insects throughout the season. 



A collection of native annual and perennial wildflowers, found in traditionally managed meadows and waysides. Beneficial to many wildlife species, these mixtures may be used to enhance the biodiversity of wild and semi-wild areas, always being sensitive to the existing ecology. Though sometimes slow to establish, the results are worth the wait.

Sowing time: March-June or September-October
Aspect: Sun or semi-shade
Soil type: Loam, Dry, Clay
Average flowering period: 3-4 months
Average height: 60-80cm
Main colours: Multicoloured

Growing Guide: Sow in spring or autumn, preferably onto bare soil combined with a suitable grass seed mix, or into existing grass that has been scarified. Prepare the ground for sowing from late summer - by cultivating, cutting and/or grazing very hard, and create gaps with harrows or by raking/scarifying (aiming to create around 50% bare soil). Remove any perennial weeds such as docks or thistles that colonise the area. 

19 annual & perennial species, including: Anthyllis vulneraria (kidney vetch), Centaurea cyanus (cornflower), Centaurea jacea (knapweed), Cichorium intybus (chicory), Echium vulgare (viper’s bugloss), Malva moschata (musk mallow), Papaver rhoeas (common poppy), Origanum vulgare (oregano), Reseda lutea (wild mignonette), Salvia pratensis (meadow clary), Scabiosa columbaria (small scabious).

Our packaging is made from FSC recycled cardboard and environmentally friendly inks. The seed bags are waxed paper or compostable starch to keep seeds in the best condition during storage. Seed packs are supplied ready-mixed with husks for ease of distribution. 

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